Sustainability Impact to My Customers

If you are a Schneider Electric partner with a passion and commitment to sustainability, then we want to receive your nomination. The award recognition could be a real game changer for your team and your business - nominate your company today!





Terms & Conditions















1. Schneider Electric


Schneider Electric’s purpose is to empower all to make the most of our energy and resources, bridging progress and sustainability for all. We call this Life Is On. Our mission is to be your digital partner for Sustainability and Efficiency. We drive digital transformation by integrating world-leading process and energy technologies, endpoint to cloud connecting products, controls, software, and services, across the entire lifecycle, enabling integrated company management for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure, and industries. We are the most local of global companies. We are advocates of open standards and partnership ecosystems that are passionate about our shared Meaningful Purpose, Inclusive, and Empowered values.



2. The Awards Program


2.1 Objective: The Awards Program is a promotion/incentive program made available to eligible entrants (as described in clause 3 below). It aims to support the emergence of innovative solutions to meet future challenges in intelligent energy. Through the Awards Program, Schneider Electric seeks to identify and promote ideas, solutions, and/or technologies that contribute to the furtherance of intelligent energy including in the areas of energy efficiency and environmental performance.


2.2 Timeline:


2.21. The timeline for the Awards Program is set according to the category of entrant as described in clause 2.2.4 (Timeline for Customers and Channel Partners) and clause 2.2.5 (Timeline for Suppliers) below. It starts with the opening of the registration process and ends with the Global Awards ceremony.


2.2.2. Dates may be changed at the sole discretion of Schneider Electric. Entrants will be notified of any change by a notice published on the Website or by an email using the contact details registered on the Account.


2.2.3. All winners will be notified using the contact details provided in their Application or registered on the Account.


2.2.4. Timeline for Customers and Channel Partners:







 Online Registration and Application

 24 July 2023

 8 December 2023




 Phase 1*

 9 December 2023

 9 February 2024

 Phase 2**

 10 February 2024

 1 March 2024





 Phase 1*

 10 February 2024

 1 March 2024

 Phase 2**

 2 March 2024

 29 March 2024

 Global   Awards   Ceremony

 Global winners will be invited to a   Global Awards Ceremony

 Invitations will be sent to   the global winners

 during March 2024



 The Global Awards   Ceremony will be   held in April 2024   (date to be notified

 in the invitation) *Phase 1: National/Regional Selection – Phase I involves a period of review, assessment and selection to decide which Applications will move to Phase 2. During Phase 1 a Schneider Electric jury will select national/regional winners. All National/Regional winners will automatically go on to Phase 2 unless they withdraw or are eliminated from the Awards Program. All entrants will be notified of their selection status by email using the contact details provided in their Application or registered on the Account. **Phase 2: Global Finals Selection and Awards - Phase 2 involves a period of review, assessment and selection to decide who will be the Global winners. During Phase 2 a new Schneider Electric jury will select Global winners from the National/Regional winners. 

2.2.5. Timeline for Suppliers:








 Online Registration and Application

 24 July 2023

 8 December 2023





 Global Winners

 2 March 2024

 29 March 2024

 Global   Awards   Ceremony

 Global winners will be invited to a    Global Awards Ceremony

 Invitations will be sent to   the global winners

 during March 2024



 The Global Awards   Ceremony will be   held in April 2024   (date to be notified   in the invitation) 




2.3. Administrator: The Awards Program is administered by a third party Administrator on behalf of Schneider Electric (see clause 19.1 below) and is hosted on the Website.



3. Eligibility


3.1 There is no joining fee to participate in the Awards Program. Participation is voluntary.

3.2 The Awards Program is open to entrants from all corners of the globe who meet the following eligibility criteria:


3.2.1. You are an eligible Customer, Channel Partner or Supplier (as defined in clause 19.1 below).


3.2.2. You participate in the Awards Program solely in the ordinary course of, and for, your business. Participation is not available to consumers.


3.2.3. You accept these Terms and Conditions.


3.2.4 In addition: If you are a Channel Partner, your Application must satisfy all of the following conditions: (a) Schneider Electric components must make up at least 80% of the overall solution. (b) The solution must have delivered growth and success for your customer in the last 12 months. (c) You must provide suitable customer references for your Application upon request from Schneider Electric. If you are a Supplier, you must have qualifying revenues according to your chosen category of Application – Large Supplier or Medium Supplier (see clause 4.3.3 and clause 19.1 below).


3.2.5. You must satisfy all other criteria and accept all conditions on the Awards Program webpage:


3.3 Absent any evidence to the contrary, Schneider Electric will have the right to assume that any person submitting an Application on behalf of an Account Owner is an employee of the Account Owner and has been authorized by the Account Owner to do all of the following on its behalf:


3.3.1 Use the Account credentials to submit the Application.


3.3.2 Have access to and the right to use the Website through the Account.


3.3.3 Submit the Application and participate in the Awards Program; and


3.3.4 Accept these Terms and Conditions.


4. Registration and Application


4.1 You must satisfy the eligibility criteria specified in clause 3 above and submit your Application in accordance with these Terms and Conditions before the end date for entry specified in clause 2.2.4 above. Late Applications will not be accepted.


4.2 Your Application may be in English or in your local language. It must be made in one of these formats:


4.2.1 Infographic: .ppt or .pdf format, file size max. 50 MB; or

4.2.2 Video: mp4 format, up to 2 minutes in length, file size max 50 MB.


4.3 You must register and complete the entire application form(s) available online at these links according to your chosen category – Customer, Channel Partner, Large Supplier, Medium Supplier - and submit a detailed proposal for your solution (“Application”):

4.3.1. Customer:


4.3.2. Channel Partner:


4.3.3. Large Supplier:


4.3.4. Medium Supplier:



4.4. Applications by Suppliers must relate to “How you have achieved decarbonization in your own operations through The Zero Carbon Project”.


4.5. Your Application must contain your original solution and expertise. It must clearly state your objectives and original ideas for a solution either through your sustainable activities in your own day-to-day operations or through the impact that you have made possible for your customers.

Share your experience with us and let’s work together to help speed our collective journey on the path to net zero!

4.6. Your Application must also note whether a patent application for the original solution has been filed.
4.7. By submitting an Application, you agree that:
4.7.1. You are solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of your Application.

4.7.2. Your Application may be rejected or terminated by Schneider Electric if we or the Administrator have reasonable grounds to believe that any of the information in your Application is incomplete, inaccurate, or non-original.
4.8. You may make more than one Application, but each Application must be for a different solution.

5. Judging & Selection/Assessment Criteria


5.1. All Applications will be subject to review, assessment and selection by a panel of at least 4 judges comprised of various members of the Schneider Electric leadership community.

5.2. No part of the of review, assessment and selection process is subject to random draw or any other element of chance. It is made based on skill alone as determined by the panel of judges taking account of these criteria:


5.2.1. For Phase 1 and Phase 2 for Customers and Channel Partners: You must show you “Strategize, Digitize, and Decarbonize” as follows. You must submit backup justification with you Application (for example,  your customer data platform (CDP) report, external sustainability report and/or a summary report from your reporting software platform): Strategize -  Create a decarbonization roadmap. 

Option for Channel Partners to complete Sustainability School. Digitize – Measure and monitor energy and carbon. Decarbonize – Reduce energy use, decrease carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency and/or purchase or install renewable


You may earn more points by submitting proof of any three of the following with your Application: and monitor energy and carbon. Implement strategies to reduce energy use, decrease carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency. Purchase or install renewables. Track embodied carbon. Electrify transportation. Electrify operations and upgrade electrical infrastructure. Limit embodied carbon. Offset residual carbon. Reduce water usage. Deploy innovations to maximize efficiency, reduce caron and energy, maximize electrification, replace energy sources with renewable, reduce water usage and/or adopt circularity business models.


5.2.2. For Suppliers: According to the following quantitative and qualitative criteria: Quantitative criteria


(a) Active participation in the Zero Carbon Project 

  • Carbon emission baseline, and current year accurately reported via SSPSRM
  • Corresponding turnover figure accurately reported via SSPSRM
  • All other requirements of The CO2 Footprint Declaration Form filled completely
(b) Decarbonization achieved (publicly reported) in alignment with The Zero Carbon Project 
  • Emission reduction (% reduction in carbon intensity with respect to revenue vs baseline) achieved so far (more reduction will give higher points)
  • Public reporting (provide link)
(c) Ambitious reduction target (publicly reported) in alignment with The Zero Carbon Project 
  • Emission reduction target + by year
  • Public commitment (provide link) Qualitative criteria based on your descriptions of: 
(a) Governance mechanism operationalized for achieving successful decarbonization and the teams involved in the implementation
  • Reference: Explain the bodies that provide oversight, for example,  board/functional level, any external reporting, integration into the annual financial report, audited results etc.
(b) Actions which have directly led to significant emissions reductions
  • Reference: explain the actions implemented at site level that have resulted in the emission reduction
(c) Planned future actions (including the timeline) to achieve the emissions reduction target
(d) How decarbonization has been embedded in the strategic business decision-making process (for Climate Defender Category ONLY)
  • Reference: Describe if carbon emissions is a factor in critical business decisions for example,  supplier selection, transportation mode, investment into new facility etc.
(e) Any external collaboration to achieve decarbonization 
  • Reference: Provide the name of the external partners you have worked with to support your decarbonization journey and the nature of that support i.e., what they did to support you
(f) Actions being implemented to engage suppliers (for Climate Defender Category ONLY) in their emission reduction.

5.3. Judges’ decisions are final and binding.



6. Awards


6.1. Winners will receive Awards as follows:


6.1.1. All Winners at National, Regional and Global level will: 

  • Be included in a PDF booklet with other winners that will be published on 
  • Receive a trophy and certificate
  • Receive a co-marketing kit for use by the winner to promote its success, at winner’s cost, on agreed media and social posts subject to clause 10 below (for example, , badges, logo, press release)
6.1.2. Global Winners will also be:
  • Announced by Schneider Electric at the Awards Ceremony
  • Included in a global press release, customer success video and Tier 1 media article by Schneider Electric


6.2. Awards are intended strictly for the use and benefit of the winning Account Owner and shall not under any circumstances be sold, transferred, offered to any other person or traded.


6.3. Awards do not have a cash value and cannot be exchanged for cash.

6.4. If there are any costs, expenses, taxes, duties and/or other obligations arising out of your participation in the Awards Program (including those resulting from your receipt or use of or participation in any Award), you shall be responsible for their payment and fulfilment and you must have to inform all authorities and third parties of this responsibility.


7. Confidentiality


7.1. Schneider Electric does not require you to provide any confidential or sensitive information relating to your business, customer or solution as part of your Application.

7.2. You must make sure you legally have the right to include any information in your Application for use and disclosure by or on behalf of Schneider Electric under these Terms and Conditions.

7.3. All Applications shall be treated by Schneider Electric and the Administrator as non-confidential and may be publicly disclosed.
7.4. Schneider Electric will have the right to disclose your details and details of your Application and all subsequent communications made by you under this Awards Program without restriction.
7.5. By submitting an Application, you agree that:-


7.5.1. You understand the potential impact of the non-confidential nature of your Application and such communications, and they shall not be treated as confidential or secret information.

7.5.2. Schneider Electric and the Administrator acting on its behalf may use and disclose your Application, such communications and any document based on or derived from them without restriction. This includes the right to make public disclosures.

7.5.3. You will not assert any claim of breach of confidentiality against Schneider Electric or the Administrator for any use or disclosure of any information provided to them under these Terms and Conditions.

7.5.4. You waive any claim relating to confidentiality against Schneider Electric and the Administrator under or in connection with any use and/or disclosure of any information provided by you to Schneider Electric or the Administrator under or in connection with your Application.

8. Intellectual Property Rights


8.1 Entrant’s Consent: By submitting an Application you consent to the following and grant Schneider Electric the limited rights in these Terms and Conditions:


8.1.1. You consent to the use by Schneider Electric of all images, text, videos, and other materials you submit, for any purpose, in any media under or in connection with your Application, for an unlimited period, without payment, under these Terms & Conditions.

8.1.2. You consent to the use by Schneider Electric of your company/business name, likeness, image, biographical information, award information (for example, , selection for advancement and Award Winner) and any other data submitted with your Application (including all content and any created works), in connection with the Awards Program, in any media or format worldwide, without any compensation to or further approval from you, including, without limitation, listing you as a Awards Program entrant on the Website and in materials related to Schneider Electric’s promotion of the Awards Program.


8.1.3. You agree that your consent is perpetual and cannot be revoked.


8.2 Ownership and Intellectual Property


8.2.1. You are not granting Schneider Electric any rights to any existing Patents related to the technology described in your Application or to any Patents which may appear in the future issue.

8.2.2. Schneider Electric may, at its sole discretion, publish a document based on your Application and/or any derivatives thereof, such as a paper, report, presentation, or summary. You agree to cooperate with Schneider Electric to prepare any such document, including completing any requested documentation related to the document, such as an assignment of copyrights to Schneider Electric.

8.2.3. You agree that nothing in the Terms and Conditions or otherwise in relation to the Awards Program grants you a right or license to use Schneider Electric’s name, trademarks, or service marks without the advance written authorization of Schneider Electric.


9. Privacy


9.1. By submitting an Application, you agree:


9.1.1. Schneider Electric may process any personal data provided in connection with your Application for the purposes in these Terms and Conditions and subject to the Privacy Policy available on the Website.

9.1.2. Schneider Electric may process and share your personal data with third parties (including the Administrator) for the Awards Program, as stated in these Terms and Conditions.


9.1.3. Schneider Electric may transfer your data to, and have it processed in, the EU under these Terms and Conditions, our Privacy Policy and subject to applicable laws and regulations.



10. Media and PR


You agree that you will make no direct or indirect contact with the media regarding the Awards Program, your Application or any information in your Application (including your proposed solution) without first obtaining the written consent of Schneider Electric’s national or global Marketing Department.



11. Termination


11.1. You may stop your participation in the Awards Program at any time by contacting Schneider Electric at  [].


11.2 Schneider Electric may permanently stop your participation in the Awards Program and disqualify your Application if any of the following occur:

11.2.1. You no longer satisfy the eligibility criteria in clause 3.


11.2.2. You breach any of these Terms and Conditions.


11.2.3. You become insolvent.


11.2.4. You are abusive or offensive to any of Schneider Electric’s or the Administrator’s staff or act in any manner that could bring you, Schneider Electric, the Administrator or the Awards Program into disrepute.


11.2.5. Schneider Electric knows or reasonably suspects fraud, dishonesty or other misconduct in relation to your participation in the Awards Program.


11.2.6. There has been no activity on the Account for twenty-four (24) months.


11.2.7. The Account is permanently closed.


11.2.8. Otherwise permitted under these Terms and Conditions.

11.3. If Schneider Electric receives or obtains any proof of fraud or dishonesty or other misconduct, we will have the right to terminate your participation in the Awards Program with immediate effect and affecting no other rights available to Schneider Electric.



11.4. In the above cases, Schneider Electric will also have the right to disqualify your Application(s).

11.5. Schneider Electric may cancel or suspend the Awards Program at any time, without liability, by giving notice to that effect with no explanation being required. Schneider Electric will endeavour to give advance notice of any such cancellation or suspension.

11.6. Termination of your participation in the Awards Program for any reason shall not affect the application and validity of clauses 8, 9 and 10.


12. Terms and Conditions:


12.1. By submitting an Application,


12.1.1. You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


12.1.2. You agree to be bound by all decisions of Schneider Electric, which are binding and final.


12.1.3. You waive any right to claim any ambiguity or error in these Terms and Conditions, or the Awards Program.


12.1.4. You represent and warrant that all information provided by you is correct and complete and that you have the right and authority to submit the Application.



13. Ethics and Compliance.



13.1. You must avoid being, or giving the appearance of being, in a position which may result in an actual or perceived detriment to Schneider Electric's or any of its Affiliates’ reputation and/or interests. Consequently, you must disclose your participation in the Awards Program (for example, to the customer whose solution is the subject of your Application):

13.1.1.Where required to do so by law.


13.1.2. If there is or could be an actual or perceived conflict of interests.


13.2. You represent and warrant to Schneider Electric that you will:


13.2.1. Comply with all applicable Anti-Corruption Laws.


13.2.2. Implement and maintain all suitable policies required under the Anti-Corruption Laws.


13.2.3. Perform and participate in the Awards Program in a lawful and ethical manner.


13.3. You represent and warrant to Schneider Electric that you will not take any action in relation to your performance and participation in the Awards Program that would be a violation of any applicable Anti-Corruption Laws, or would otherwise cause Schneider Electric, its Affiliates or their officers, directors, and/or employees to violate any applicable Anti-Corruption Laws, including but not limited to, making any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorization of the giving of any advantage (including the Awards or other benefits arising from participation in the Awards Program) to any person:


13.3.1. To induce or reward that person or any other person to perform their role or function improperly.


13.3.2. Where receipt of that advantage would result in that person or any other person performing their role or function improperly.


13.3.3. That is otherwise for the purpose of improperly obtaining or keeping business or a business advantage of any kind.


13.4. To avoid doubt, you acknowledge that it is strictly prohibited to offer, promise, give or authorize any improper advantage to any person, including any customers, Public Officials, or other persons, involved in any transaction relating to the Application or your participation in the Awards Program.

13.5. You shall promptly notify us of any known or suspected violations of this clause 13 or of applicable Anti-Corruption Laws in connection with your participation in the Awards Program. This notice may be given through Trust Line which is Schneider Electric’s global helpline for external stakeholders. It is available at:


14. Audit 
Schneider Electric may audit your involvement in the Awards Program for compliance purposes. You shall provide all reasonable assistance, information and documentation for that purpose.
15. Liability
15.1. Nothing in this clause 15 seeks to limit or exclude any liability for any of the following:
15.1.1. Death or personal injury cause by Schneider Electric's or its agents' negligence.
15.1.2. Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
15.1.3. Damage or compensation to the extent that it cannot legally be limited or excluded by applicable law.
15.2. References to liability in this clause 15 mean every kind of liability for damage or compensation including but not limited to liability in contract and non-contractual liability arising under or in connection with claims related to any of the following (“Legal Claims”):
15.2.1. The Awards Program and these Terms and Conditions.
15.2.2. Discontinuance or suspension of the Awards Program or your participation in the Awards Program.

15.2.3. Changes in the Awards Program.

15.2.4. The Awards including any changes in the Awards.
15.3. Subject to clause 15.1 Schneider Electric shall not be liable for any of the following:
15.3.1. Costs, loss of profits or anticipated savings.
15.3.2. Wasted expenditure or staff time.
15.3.3. Loss of use or corruption of software, data or information.
15.3.4. Loss of or damage to goodwill.
15.3.5. Special, indirect or consequential loss suffered by you (including where this loss or damage is of the type specified in clauses 15.3.1, 15.3.2, 15.3.3 and 15.3.4 above).
15.4. Subject to clause 15.1 and notwithstanding clause 15.3 the total liability of Schneider Electric for all Legal Claims relating to a single Application is limited to and shall not exceed twenty-five Euro (€25) in aggregate.

15.5. Schneider Electric shall not be responsible for any act or omission outside its control.

15.6. Schneider Electric holds the benefit of this clause 15 for us, our Affiliates, the Administrator and our respective officers, employees, servants, agents and licensees.

15.7. Schneider Electric shall be excused from all obligations under the Awards Program in all of the following cases:
15.7.1. If Schneider Electric must obtain any necessary or advisable licenses, authorizations or approvals to operate the Awards Program and they are not obtained.

15.7.2. If any such licenses, authorizations or approvals are denied or revoked.
15.7.3. If applicable laws and/or regulations would prohibit Schneider Electric from fulfilling the Awards Program or would otherwise expose Schneider Electric to a risk of liability under the applicable laws and/or regulations.
15.8. All warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the fullest extent permitted by law, excluded from these Terms and Conditions.

16. Changes to the Awards Program and these Terms and Conditions

16.1. Schneider Electric reserves the right, at any time and at our sole discretion, by a notice in accordance with clause 17 to undertake any of the following actions:
16.1.1. To change (by amendment, supplement and/or deletion) any provision of these Terms and Conditions.

16.1.2. To change, suspend, postpone or terminate the Awards Program including its timeline and the Awards.

Your continued participation in the Awards Program after notice of any such changes to these Terms and Conditions is provided shall be considered as your acceptance and agreement to the modified Terms and Conditions, Awards Program timeline and Awards. If you do not agree with any such changes, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate your participation in the Awards Program.

16.2. It shall be your responsibility to keep up to date with any changes under clause 16.1. Schneider Electric also recommends that you should visit the Website regularly so that you may keep up to date with such changes.

16.3. You must keep your details in the Account up to date.

17. Notices & Electronic Communication

17.1. You consent to receive communications from Schneider Electric in connection with the Awards Program and/or these Terms and Conditions electronically. You agree that such electronic communication satisfies any legal requirements that such communications be in writing.

17.2. You agree that notices may be given by Schneider Electric in connection with the Awards Program and/or these Terms and Conditions by any of the following methods:
17.2.1. By e-mail to the Account Owner (with the possibility of delivery through regular mail) using the contact details provided in the Account.

17.2.2. By publishing a general notice on the Website.

17.2.3. In the way set out in the Account or Website terms of use.
18. Language, applicable law and jurisdiction
18.1. These Terms and Conditions and all communications between Schneider Electric and you about these Terms and Conditions shall be in English or your local language, at Schneider Electric’s option.

18.2. These Terms and Conditions are subject to the law of France. You agree that we will try to resolve any disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions in an amicable manner, and if this is not possible, the competent courts of Paris, France will have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve such dispute.
19. Definitions & Interpretation

19.1. We use certain defined words in these Terms and Conditions :
19.1.1. “Account” means the online user account registered by the Account Owner with Schneider Electric.

19.1.2. “Account Owner" means the corporate entity or business who has created the Account and who (or on whose behalf) an Application is submitted under the Awards Program. The Account Owner is also referred to as “you” and “your”.

19.1.3. “Administrator” means the third party – AGORIZE, Address: 34 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine, 75012 Paris, FRANCE, Phone number: (+33) 01 55 43 79 45 - which hosts the Website and administers the Awards Program on behalf of Schneider Electric.

19.1.4. “Affiliates” means any corporation, company or other legal entity that is directly or indirectly: (i) controlling Schneider Electric, or (ii) controlled by Schneider Electric, or (iii) under common control with Schneider Electric, where “control” means the direct or indirect ownership of more than fifty per cent (50%) of the issued share capital of the entity or the legal power to direct or cause the direction of the general management of the entity.

19.1.5. "Anti-Corruption Laws" means any applicable foreign or domestic anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations, as amended from time to time, including, but not limited to, the UK Bribery Act 2010, the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977, the Sapin II laws and any laws intended to implement the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and any laws and regulations relating to anti-money laundering or tax avoidance legislation.

19.1.6. “Application” is defined in clause 4.

19.1.7. “Awards” means the Awards described in clause 6 and in more detail on the Website made available to the winners of the Awards Program.

19.1.8. “Awards Program” means the Schneider Electric Sustainability Impact Awards Program for Customers, Channel Partners and Suppliers.

19.1.9. “Channel Partner” means any third-party company, corporation, or other legal person, acting in its ordinary course of business which is a member of the Schneider Electric partner ecosystem which includes but is not limited to, these types of businesses: (a) contractors, design firms, EcoXperts, home builders; (b) Electrical and Industrial Automation Distributors, industrial automation system integrators, IT partners machine integrators, original equipment manufacturers, panel builders, system integrators; and (c) similar categories of direct or indirect business customers of Schneider Electric products, services, systems, or solutions.

19.1.10. “Customer” means any third-party company, corporation, or other legal person, acting in its ordinary course of business, that purchases the ownership or acquires the right to use Schneider Electric products, services, systems or solutions from Schneider Electric or any of its Affiliates or authorized resellers.

19.1.11. “Intellectual Property” or “IPR” means any and all intellectual property rights including all of the following and all rights in, arising out of, or associated therewith: (a) procedures, designs, inventions, and discoveries; (b) works of authorship, copyrights and other rights in works of authorship; (c) mask work rights, (d) know-how, show-how and trade secrets on a worldwide basis, and (e) all Patents issued or issuable thereon, and all trademarks, trade names, or other forms of corporate or product identification.

19.1.12. “Large Supplier” means a Supplier with annual revenues of more than €50 million at the date of submission of its Application.

19.1.13. “Medium Supplier” means a Supplier with annual revenue of less than €50 million at the date of submission of its Application.

19.1.14. “Patents” means all classes or types of patents (including, without limitation, originals, divisions, continuations, continuations-in-part, extensions or reissues) and applications for these classes or types of patent rights in all countries of the world.

19.1.15. "Public Official" means: (a) any officer or employee of a state-owned or state-controlled entity; (b) any officer or employee, appointed or elected, of a local, state, regional, federal, or multi-national government or any department, agency, body or ministry of a government; (c) any individual who, although temporarily or without payment, holds a public position, employment or function; (d) any officer or employee of a public international organisation such as the United Nations or the World Bank; (e) any political party, political party official or candidate for political office; (f) any member of the judiciary; and/or (g) any member of a royal family.

19.1.16. “Schneider Electric” means Schneider Electric Industries SAS, Registered office: 35, rue Joseph Monier, 92500 Rueil Malmaison – FRANCE. Legal form under French law: « société par actions simplifiée ». Share capital amount: 928.298.512, 00 Euros. Registered at Companies Register of Nanterre: RCS 954 503 439 VAT number: FR04954503439

19.1.17. “Supplier” means any third-party company, corporation, or other legal person, acting in its ordinary course of business, which: (a) supplies goods and/or services to Schneider Electric and/or its Affiliates; (b) has an active account in the Schneider Supplier Portal-Supplier Relationship Management (SSP-SRM) portal; and (c) actively participates in the Zero Carbon Project that is Schneider Electric’s new initiative to partner with our top 1,000 suppliers - which represent 70% of Schneider Electric’s carbon emissions - to halve their operations’ CO2 emissions by 2025. You can find more information on the Zero Carbon Project on the following website:

19.1.18. "Terms and Conditions” means these Terms and Conditions.

19.1.19. “Website” means the website available at: on which the Awards Program is published with the possibility for eligible businesses and professional organizations of the type set out in clause 3.2.2 to create an Account and participate in the Awards Program under these Terms & Conditions.
19.2. References to “we”, “us” and “our” means Schneider Electric.

19.3. Schneider Electric holds the benefit of these Terms and Conditions for us, our Affiliates, the Administrator and our respective officers, employees, servants, agents, and licensees.